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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Make-Ahead and Freeze

Ever since baby girl #2 came along, I have really had to find creative ways to get a good, healthy, home-cooked meal on the table each night for dinner. As you know by now, I prefer the homemade over the prepackaged. Not only do I avoid a lot of the salt and preservatives that are in prepackaged foods when you make it yourself, but I also find that I prefer the way homemade meals taste.

For the past six months I have been experimenting with make-ahead and freeze recipes that I can easily pop in the oven to have ready in time for dinner. I have had some great success so far with some recipes and at least one total failure that resulted in having to utilize the oven's self-cleaning process.

At the same time, I have started learning more about moms like Kelly at Faithful Provisions and FishMama at Life as Mom who take a few days at the first of the month to prepare a number of meals and snacks for their families. In the past, when I have made meals to freeze, I have just found an hour here or there. I have not been as organized and proactive at setting aside a few days to get this done. This week I have several recipes I would like to make, but I know that I am not able to devote two full days.

I am planning to post my recipes as I cook. I am also planning to make this a regular feature on this blog. Check back soon. There should be at least one recipe posted by Friday. In the mean time you can check out my one-serving spinach quiche recipe.