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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pantry Challenge -- Week 3 Check-in

At this point I'm not really sure that I can really say that I am still doing the pantry challenge. I am planning my meals from what we have in the pantry, but, between Harris Teeter Super Doubles and the upcoming Mix & Match specials at Kroger, I have had a really hard time passing up the great deals that have been available at the grocery stores this month. I have been planning all of my meals from the freezer and pantry, but I have definitely found myself replenishing the pantry with the deals that I am finding. I am just not sure that I have been at this long enough to pass up the deals.

This week past week we spent $88 on groceries. Part of the money spent this week went to the purchase of soup for my husband. He eats a can of Chicken Gumbo or Chicken and Sausage Progresso soup each day for lunch, so when Publix has Progresso soup on a BOGO sale and I have 10 Progresso coupons, we can't pass up that deal.

Below is our menu plan for this week.


Chicken Fajitas with Saffron Rice

Crock Pot Pot Roast

Spicy Pan-Grilled Pork Chops with Egg Noodles and Broccoli

Cranberry Glazed Chicken with Cornbread and Salad

Throughout the month of January, I have been able to cut our grocery spending down by about $200. This morning sitting in church I felt very called to take at least a portion that savings and use it towards the Haitian Earthquake relief effort. That will be one of my projects this week.