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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hi-Ho! Hi-Ho!...

It's back to work I go!

Since my first child was born in June of 2007, I have been exceptionally fortunate to have the opportunity to stay home and raise my girls. When my older daughter was almost 7 months old, I did go back to work part-time (4 afternoons a week) as an after-school reading tutor for low-income children in Kindergarten-3rd grade. Because my second child was due right at the beginning of this school year, I knew I would not be able to continue with that.

On Monday I am heading back to work part-time. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom, but I also appreciate the opportunity to put all that education to good use as well as contribute to my family's bottom line. I also know that I am a better and happier mom when I have the opportunity to do something for myself (and yes working is something I would consider doing for myself). I am super excited about this job opportunity that basically fell into my lap thanks to a great friend, but at the same time, I am a little nervous about working outside of the house and away from the girls one or two days a week.

Since making the jump from one to two kids, I think I have gotten to a point in our house of managing controlled chaos. We've developed pretty good daily and weekly routines that seem to be working, but all of that is about to get thrown a little off kilter.

There is no way I would be able to work at all without the support of some amazing family members who are willing to watch my girls when I am working.

How do you manage full-time parenthood with part-time commitments (job, volunteer activities, etc.)?

Each day is (and will continue to be) a daily search to find ways to alleviate stress and discover joy.